<%@ Language=VBScript %> pacs manual


Payload  And  Costing  System






Version 2005.100

Please Note that this manual covers all the functions in PACS. Every function may not be available in your licence agreement


Click on an underlined topic to jump to that section






        The Main PACS Screen


          Selecting the aircraft and airports

        Performance calculations

        Changing Airport data

        Day/Night operations

        Handling Charges

        Fuel Price

        Landing Fees

        Parking Fees

        Terminal Navigation

        Optimizing  payloads

        Changing Sectors


         Overflight costs

          Editing Stored Sectors

          Alternate Airports

           Airport Information


         Changing and saving route cost/revenues


        Aircraft data file

        Aircraft Airport Data 

       Stored Sector Data

        Airport Information

        Exchange Rates

        World Airport database

        Contact Database


        Saved Calculations

        Network Settings

        Backing up and restoring data files



        The Rate Data file

8.    MS Access Databases

        Stored Route DB

        Fuel Price DB

        Alternate Airport DB

        Quick Reference DB

       Quote System DB       



         Help line

        User Licence Agreement





The Aerocom Payload and Costing System (PACS) is a software system for PC compatible computers. PACS is designed specifically for the air transport sector by aviation professionals with over 30 years experience in the aviation industry.


The user only has to select the aircraft type to be used,  the names, IATA codes or ICAO codes of the airports to be flown from and to for any route in the world. PACS will then calculate, for the selected aircraft type:


*     The permitted takeoff weight for each airport, limited by the runway length, airport elevation and temperature.


*   The sector block times and fuel burnt for the route including allowances for airport specific taxi out and taxi in times, and the effect of en-route winds and temperatures.


The amount of payload or number of passengers that can be carried on each sector.


*    The total cost of operating the route including specific airport dependent costs (fuel, landing, handling etc.), route dependent costs (en-route navigation costs) and aircraft dependent costs (maintenance, crew, ownership etc.).


*    PACS automatically calculates  the cost advantage of  economy tanking fuel at airports with cheap fuel (if payload requirements permit) and will  calculate any payload penalty for forced tanking fuel when no fuel is available at a specific airport.  


*   A route can be a single sector or a  number of  sequential sectors ( maximum of 12 sectors).


                PACS uses a number of database files which are built up and amended  when the system is used. These database files include:


*    An airport database with   6600 + airports covering every country in the world, which contains details of Airport names, ICAO and IATA codes, co-ordinates, airport elevation and runway length. This database can be amended or added to by the user.


     An Airport charges database containing user specific cost data (landing, handling, catering charges) for each aircraft type in the users system.


     An Airport information database containing contact details for handling agents and other local information for each airport flown to by the system user.


     A  users fuel database containing Fuel prices, and supplier details  for each airport flown to by the system user.


     An updateable sector database containing flight planned distances, en-route winds and overflight FIR's for the sector.


*    An aircraft database which contains user defined default data that is used by PACS for route performance and costing if no specific information is available.


*     Aircraft databases containing user specific take-off and en-route performance data for each of the aircraft types available in the users version of PACS.


*   A Rates database,  containing Exchange rates between some 170 different  currencies and the US dollar, En-Route Charges rates, Terminal Navigation charges, Landing and Parking charges for every country/airport that levies a charge. This database is updated monthly and is available for download to users with a current support and update agreement.




Installing and running PACS


The usual method of installation is via a web download. Full instructions are shown on the download page of the Aerocom web site.  If required a separate Installation CD can be provided.



Just follow the Setup instructions on your screen and PACS will automatically install and create a program item  under Start/Programs on your desktop. To create a shortcut on your Desktop in Windows  right click on the PACS icon in Start/Programs and then select  Send to and then Desktop as Shortcut.



Getting started


Most users will find that using the PACS system is straightforward and easy. All instructions, key functions and options are clearly displayed on the screen, so no templates are required for special key functions.


 Use of the keyboard and mouse


PACS is an easy system to use. All functions are selected by clicking on the appropriate  button Multiple choice selections are made from a dropdown list accessed by clicking on the down chevron by the side of the list box. Examples of such selections are Aircraft or airport selection. When the required selection is highlighted selection must be confirmed by either a mouse click, or pressing the   Enter or tab key. Hovering over a button or entry field will show  information on that button or field.



The F1 function key is used  to display  help files and this manual  

Editing data items on the screen is done by clicking into the relevant box on the screen, entering the value required on the keyboard and then pressing the tab  or Enter key to confirm value entered. PACS will then update the value or where required make a calculation based on the keyboard value entered.





When PACS is started by double clicking on the PACS desktop Icon or selecting Start/Programs and then the PACS Icon, the opening  screen is displayed .


To enter the Main PACS program click on PACS Main.

You can check and update your PACS program and Rates Data file  by using the Web Updates Function.


Other functions that you may have available are:


Stored Routes: A database which you can use to email saved routes  and to export them to another office program such as Excel.

View/Edit Fuel Prices: A database to quickly and easily view and edit all the  airport specific fuel prices that you have saved in PACS.

Find Alternate: A database that will find all airports within a specified distance from your destination airport with a specified minimum runway length.

Quick Reference: A database system that provides you with Payload range and other data for some 40 plus aircraft types.

Quote System: A sophisticated   database that gives you the capability to store and send flight quotes to clients - a full users manual is included



The Main PACS  selection screen


To make a new route cost analysis, click on New Calculation.


To edit or update database files, click on  Utility. Functions (See the Data utilities section of this manual).


To use the Stored Route facility  click on Saved Calculations ( see storing and recalling in the manual)


For Networking options click on Network Settings


To Back up your data click on Back-up Data Files


To restore lost  PACS data files from a Back-up click on Restore Data Files


To finish using PACS click on Exit PACS



Creating a  route performance and costing


From the front menu click on New calculation



Selecting the aircraft and sector airports

This  screen is for inputting your  sectors. When the screen form is opened the default field is the change month field  click to  select a month other than the current month or press enter to accept current month. The  Aircraft selection field will become active. Click on the chevron Ñ by the side of this field to see the aircraft types available to you then click on the aircraft you want to use.


Tip! You can select the aircraft type you want by entering part of the aircraft type name and then pressing the down arrow key e.g. for 707-320F enter 70 and then the down arrow -


After the aircraft type has been selected the cursor will move to the  departure airport IATA code selection field. You may just type in the 3 letter code for the airport or you can click on the chevron Ñ and either scroll down to the code you want or start typing in the code and select the code you want from the partial  match the program  makes. Pressing the enter key in this field will confirm selection of the airport code and the airport details will be shown in the boxes below.

You can also   select airports  by using either the airport name field or the ICAO code field. You can  use partial matches which will find  increasing matches for the characters entered


Having selected the Departure airport the cursor will have moved to the Destination Airport IATA Code Field. Follow the same procedure as with the Departure airport to select the airport.


If either airport is not the required airport you can change either airport if required


When  both airports are shown in the departure and  destination boxes  either press the Enter key or click on the Calculate with these airports button to calculate the data for the sector, which will be shown in the  Calculated Sector Data fields below.



The calculations



Clicking on the  Calculate with these airports button triggers a series of calculations that result in the data in the screen above.




1 The maximum permitted take off weight - (matow) for the  aircraft type - 747-400  at the  Departure Airport AMSTERDAM   with the indicated airport            temperature has been calculated.


2. The stored Sectors database was searched for the sector AMS-CAI. ( If the sector did not exist it would have been created).


3. The Flight time, Block time, Fuel burn, and Maximum permitted  payload have been calculated using the Sector Data  file distance and  en-route wind, using the Taxi out and Taxi In  times shown and  reserves for the default holding time and diversion to the indicated ALTERNATE airport.




1.The 747-400 airport database has been checked for stored data for the Airports AMSTERDAM and CAIRO (if a record for the airport did not exist it would have been created using default data in the main aircraft data file).


2. The fuel price database has been checked for a stored  fuel price ( if no price is found the default of 99.99  will be shown in red with a date of 00/00/00)


3. The  Unit Rates (Terminal Navigation, Landing and Parking) database have been checked and the Departure and Arrival Airport Navigation costs, Landing fees and parking charges  calculated. Theses are shown in the Airport Data section in green. If the handling charges are shown in red this means that they are default data using data from the aircraft default data file.




The En-route Navigation (Overflight) charges have been calculated based on the FIR's and distances in the Sector Data file (see Sector data and overflight sections)

Editing the Displayed Data



1. changing the airport temperature will recalculate the permissible take-off weight and then re-calculate the  sectors  times, fuel and maximum payload.

2. changing the airports taxi Out or Taxi In times  will recalculate  the  sectors  times, fuel and maximum payload

3. changing the Alternate Airport  distance will  re-calculate the  times, fuel and maximum payload. ( see Alternate Airports)

4. changing the Sectors Distance, Wind or Flight Level will re-calculate the  times, fuel and maximum payload

5. changing the sectors  LOAD-ON payload will re-calculate the  times and fuel.




1.  D/N If this is shown then you have the Day/Night option enabled in PACS. The default is D (Day) Changing the D to N will change  the Handling Costs to those the  Airport Information file for night operations. You can have the departure airport data used set to Day  and the destination airport set to night or vice versa. You will need to enter separate costs for Day and night in the Aircraft Airport Data record.


2. Fuel Price. The cost shown is either that stored in the database or the default 199.99. The date show is either the date that the price was updated or 01/01/00. changing the price ( NB all prices are entered in US Cents per US gallon. if the price involves the decimal of a cent then it MUST be entered as a (.) - stop NOT a continental (,) -comma separator. When the price is changed the date will automatically change to the current system date in the format dd/mm/yy.


To  avoid picking up fuel at an airport  and force fuel Tanking at the previous airport, enter N in the fuel price box. this will display a fuel tanking message and the fuel uplift at the previous airport  will be increased to allow the next sector to be flown without any fuel uplift. (The available commercial payload on the previous sector will be reduced because of  the extra fuel uplift)..  The  Uplift box for the sector where fuel is being tankered will change from S to  T

NB: you can not put in the N price on the first sector You will get a message that you can not start from an airport with no fuel.


3. Dep Nav Cost. The cost shown ( in green) is the charge (if any) levied by the Airport for departure terminal navigation for the aircraft type shown. Some countries/airports charge on departure, some on arrival and some include it in the landing fee. (See Rate Data)


4. Handling costs


There are 3 cost boxes for handling  for Both the departure and Destination Airports - Ramp,  Out (or In), and 2 Way

There is also a box marked Type.


Ramp Handling


This is the Cost per turnaround of Non-Commercial  handling - the charge that is made by the handling agent for items such as ground power, push back, steps and  Crew transport. The value in this box should be the charge for a turn-around  - An arrival plus a departure


When a sector is flown without payload or a tech stop with a loaded aircraft  is made at an airport where no payload is unloaded or loaded ,the amount in this box  is used as the handling charge at the airport. 50% of the amount shown is charged for arrival and 50% for departure


One way handling


The  Out Handling and  In Handling boxes are for Commercial one way handling  ( Handling Charges for either loading or un-loading the aircraft)


2 Way handling


The 2 Way  boxes are for charges related to two way handling during a turn-around when there is both unloading and loading of the aircraft


Handling charges can be calculated in 4 ways depending on which method is shown in the Type field. The options to enter  are: N,  F, V or K


N  (  1 charge - Normal) option

This charge is used in cases where the  handling agent does not provide you with a breakdown of the charges levied just an amount for handling when loaded or a charge for a tech-stop.

This option uses the value shown in either Out or In box as the Total charge paid. The amount in the box should be a composite cost covering  Ramp plus Commercial Handling. When there is both an Off-load and an On-load the amount in the 2 Way box will be used. If no payload is dropped off or picked up, the

Ramp handling figure will be used as the cost of the turn-around


F  ( 2  Fixed charges  - Ramp + Commercial) option:

This option is for situations where the charges levied by the handling agent are in 2  fixed parts - Non-commercial and Commercial.

When this option is entered, the handling costs are calculated  using the amount shown in the box for Ramp handling as a fixed Ramp technical handling charge per turn-around plus  the amount shown in the one way handling box (if there is either a load on or a load off ) or 2 Way handling box (if there is both a load on and a load off)


V  ( 2 charges  - Fixed  Ramp + Variable) option

This is similar to the F option, except that the value you enter into the in and out boxes is the rate for off-loading or on-loading 100 tons. and the value in the 2 Way box should be the rate for 200 tons of cargo.  PACS will take the rate and calculate the cost for the actual amount of cargo carried.


K ( 2 charges  Fixed Ramp + rate per Kilo) option

This option is for situations where the charges levied by the handling agent are in 2  parts -  a fixed Ramp technical  and   commercial  handling as rate per kilo cargo loaded or unloaded.

The amount you have in either the Out Handling or In Handling boxes should be in $ per kilo -  for example  if the rate is 12 $ cents it should be entered as 0.12. If there is a lower rate when cargo is both off-loaded and loaded then this rate should be shown in the 2 Way boxes.


When this option is entered, the handling costs are calculated  using  the amount shown in the box for tech handling as a fixed technical handling charge plus  the amount shown in the one way handling box (if there is either a load on or a load off ) or 2 Way handling box (if there is both a load on and a load off) multiplied by the actual payload loaded or offloaded.


PACS calculates the Sector Handling costs based on the cost of Handling at the Departure plus Destination airports according to the option entered. It also shows the costs in the Cost/Revenue screen for each airport offset.


Saving Handling Costs


You can change the values shown in the fields while you are making a calculation. These values will ONLY be used for the current calculation, UNLESS you click on the Save airport data to file button. If this button is clicked the displayed values and the Handling method ( type) will be written to the aircraft airport data database for future use.


Other Cost Fields


5. Catering. The amount shown is that stored in the Aircraft Airport data file for the airport. ( normally 0). if you are going to pick up Catering at the departure airport, enter the cost in this box.


6. Landing Fee. The amount shown (in green) is the cost calculated at the destination airport for the aircraft type  from the Landing charges table data. this cost is based on the standard day time landing charge for the airport and does not take into account any lighting or noise surcharges or any rebates that may be applicable. Overwrite this figure if you have other data. (See Rate Data)


7. Arr Nav Cost. like the Dep Nav Cost  this is the cost for terminal navigation on arrival. It can be changed if required.(See Rate Data)


8. Hotac. This is the cost of crew night stops where required ( usually 0). If a night stop is planned at the Destination airport enter the cost in this box.


9. Parking charges. Initially the number of hours for parking is set to one and for most airports  the cost shown will be 0 ( for airports that do not provide any free parking time the cost for one hour will be shown). If you you plan to stay at the airport for longer than 1 hour change the number of hours. The cost for parking the aircraft type shown  for the number of hours shown  ( less any free parking time) will be calculated. and displayed  NB: some airports charge on an hourly basis and some on a daily basis after any free time so at airports that charge on a 24 hour basis the cost of parking for 6 hours or 18 hours could be the same. (See Rate Data)


10. Use Stored Data Buttons. If you want to revert to  the Cost data already stored for the airport costs, (except Parking an Navigation charges) click on the button under either the Departure or Destination  Airport Cost data boxes


11 Save Airport Cost Button. When you change any of the airport cost data on the calculation screen, the changed data is held in memory for the current calculation. It does not overwrite any data already stored for the airports in the  Aircrafts Airport Cost Data file. If you make changes to the cost data that you want to save for future use, Click on the Save Airport Cost button. The data displayed on the calculation screen will be written to the file and will become the default data the next time the airport is used with the aircraft.


11 Save Fuel Price Button.  If you make changes to the Fuel Price or Supplier fields that you want to save for future use, Click on the Save Fuel Price button. The data displayed on the calculation screen will be written to the file and will become the default data the next time the airport is used with the aircraft.


Other data screens available from the Calculation screen


When you are making a calculation, you are able to view and edit data records relating to the current calculation.


The data screens available are: Stored Sector, Overflight Costs, Origin Airport Information and Destination Airport Information


To View/Edit the  Sector Data click on Edit Stored Sector This screen is shown


This screen shows a pre-flight planned sector using the PPS flight planning system  (see PPS)


The screen shows the current sector AMS-CAI, the great circle distance between the 2 airports and the flight planned distance ( which must be greater than the Great Circle Distance), The estimated winds for 4 quarters of the year - (January, April, June and October), the routing reference and below that each FIR (Flight Information Region) that is overflown  between the 2 airports with the distance flown in nautical miles within the FIR. A sector in PACS can contain up to 30 FIR's.


PACS uses this sector data to accurately calculate the En-Route navigation charges related to the sector, totalling the cost of overflying each FIR to provide the total cost ( see Overflight Costs)


Default Sectors


 If, when you enter your Departure and Destination airports and click on Calculate with these airports you get a message 'NO STORED SECTOR FOUND' , it means that there is no sector in the database for the city pair. PACS will then calculate the great circle distance and use a factor to provide a track distance. It will then create a new stored sector and assume that there is zero wind for the sector.

PACS  knows the FIR's that the Departure and Destination airports  are in but does not know which  FIR's are within the route or the distances within the FIR's. This is the realm of Flight Planning programs such as PPS

PACS therefore assumes that the 2 FIR's are adjacent and assumes that 50% of the sector distance is flown in the FIR of the departure airport and 50% within the FIR of the Destination airport.


The Default Sector  function will provide a Sector distance that is close enough to give a reasonable fuel burn and payload estimates but may give inaccurate overflight costs. It is there advisable to  import actual data into PACS from a flight planning system - such as PPS or to manually enter the FIR's and distances


Editing the Sector


The FIR's and the distances can be edited in order to update the sector manually

The FIR code used can either be the 4 letter ICAO identifier for the FIR  or the 2 letter  ICAO Country identifier.

If you do not know the  FIR or country code you can use the   Find Country FIR to find the code related to the country you are going to over-fly.

When you have entered the code an information box will appear confirming the country relating to the code.

The distance within the FIR is entered in actual Nautical Miles flown. After each distance entry, a box appears showing the distance remaining.


When you have finished editing the sector data click on Exit. You will see that the Calculate with these airports button is activated  again.Click on it to re-calculate the sector performance  and overflight costs with the amended sector data.




 PACS users who also have the Air Support  Pre-flight Planning System (PPS) are able to Run PPS  from within PACS, create a new sector or update an existing sector and then use that sector in PACS.


If PPS is present on the system, PPS buttons will be visible when the Edit Stored Sector button is pressed

Press the Run PPS button, and create a new sector in PPS. When PPS returns you to the PACS sector data screen, click on PPS Data to update your PACS stored sector with the data from PPS and click on Exit. You will now have to click on the calculate with these airports button again to use the changed sector data


Overflight Costs


PACS calculates the  En-Route Navigation Charges (overflight costs) for each sector. The actual calculation for the current sector can be seen by clicking on the Overflight Costs  button. This screen appears


The overflight costs are calculated using the current  charging unit rates from the IATA Airport and En-Route Charges Manual. PACS has built-in all the  calculation formulae  for every country in the world, and uses the charge rates and specific formulae for each country that is to be over flown in  the stored sector record.

The cost shown in the overflight cost screen for a specific country or the total overflight cost can be manually changed. and the total  Overflight Cost will be adjusted.

If you pay a third party agent  to obtain overflight permits enter the cost of obtaining the permit in the Agents Fee box. this will be added to the total.

NB The changed value will be valid only for the current calculation.


Airport Aircraft Costs


Pressing  the  Airport Cost  button for by either the Origin or destination airports will display the current selected aircraft airport cost screen as below



The  Landing and Handling costs etc can be edited and saved from this screen. make any Changes and click on Exit. If you want to use the changed data in the current Calculation, Click on the relevant  Use Stored Data button.



Alternate Airport


If an airport has not been used before, the alternate airport code will be XXX and the distance to the alternate will be that of the aircraft type default file (usually 200 NM). To change the alternate move the cursor to the alternate airport code box and enter the 3 letter code for the alternate. PACS will then calculate the distance to the alternate and display it in the distance box. Alternates entered for one aircraft type  are stored and used for all aircraft types available to the user. If you want to change the calculated distance shown, move the cursor to the distance box and overwrite the distance shown with a new figure which will overwrite the calculated  distance .


If You have MS Access on your computer you can get a list of alternate for the destination airport by clicking on the Find Airport button. This. screen appears  


 If required change the maximum distance and Minimum Runway length andclick on the alternates button. This screen will appear


Click on the IATA code of the airport that you want to use as an alternate The above screen will close. Now click on the Save alternate button and the selected alternate will be saved as the alternate for the airport and the distance to the alternate will be calculated,  The sector  fuel burn and payload will be re-calculated



You continue adding sectors to your route as required by using the  Add A Sector button.  and entering/Selecting the next destination airport .


It is best practice to build up the whole route you plan  before editing any of the airport/sector data. Once the  whole route sector sequence is  done you can begin to change airport and sector data by selecting the sector number on the left hand side of the screen. This will make that sector and the related airport data current for editing as described above.


Tip! You can create a routing very easily  by use of  the Enter key without the use of the mouse by entering the aircraft type the sequence for the default enter key is set that  buttons will be highlighter when they can be activated by the Enter key


Tech Stops 

If the MAX PAYLOAD for the sector is less than the minimum you require, a tech stop will be required to obtain the required payload. To add a tech stop, decide which airport you want to use for the tech stop (usually somewhere about half way between your desired origin and departure airports) and change the destination airport code to that airport. press Enter and click on Calculate with these airports. The payload for the new sector will be displayed. When you have finalized your tech stop, click on Add A Sector to add a new sector from the tech stop to the destination


If you have inadvertently pressed the Add A Sector button you can cancel the action by pressing the Esc key


Make any changes you require in these fields and  confirm the change by pressing the Tab  or Enter key

The time, fuel and max payload fields will change in response to changes in distance, flight level or en-route wind


Changes to the load-on field will affect the fuel burn and Fuel on board fields for the sector. Changes to the Load-off field will change the payload remaining and the amount of  load on you can take on the next sector.


The load-on / Load carried can not be more than the number shown in the max payload field.


Optimising payloads


You can either make changes to the performance calculation  as each sector is created or you can continue to add sectors  and change the performance factors when you have finished adding sectors  but before you press the "View/Edit Costs" button.


TIP! wait to change sector payloads  and airport data  until all sectors for the route have been entered  you can then see in the MAX PAYLOAD box for each sector which sector has the lowest payload and  put in your payload requirements. Changes to load-off in one sector will affect the load-on for the next sector and on subsequent sectors, helping the user to build the sector payloads on the screen and see any limitations



Changing Sectors


If having entered a route you find that for any reason you need to change the routing, you can do so by first clicking on the number of the sector you want to change and then changing the 3 letter code for the airport in either the FROM  IATA or TO IATA boxes. The data for the new airport will appear above and pressing the enter key will re-calculate the sector with the new origin and destination.


You can completely change the route by this method and the continue to add more sectors before going to the costing screen

 A completed route could look like this

This shows a route with a 747-400 from Amsterdam to Johannesburg with stops in Cairo and Nairobi. 120 tons of payload was uplifted in AMS, 90 tons was offloaded in Cairo and 30 tons in NBO. 120 tons was picked up in NBO for JNB.




When all sectors have been entered and edited, press  the "VIEW/EDIT COSTS" button. PACS will then review the sectors and check to see if economic uplift will save  you  money. If it will you will get a screen something like this


 If economy tanking is done on any sector,  the letter E will be shown by the uplift  box for that sector.

Then the Costs screen will appear.


Changing and saving route costings


You can change some of the costs shown on the screen and the program will recalculate the sector and route totals. The costs that can be changed are:


Fuel price - (unless tanking is being used)

En-Rote Navigation

ACMI rate

Terminal Navigation




Misc. Sector costs

Other Hourly costs


The costs can be displayed, printed and saved in US$, Euros or Sterling By default, all costs are in US$. Changing any cost field data can only be done with US$ displayed in the currency selector field. Selecting Euros or Sterling is for display / printing and saving  only.

You can also enter revenue data either as a rate per kilo/pax or by sector or route. The sector profit/loss and overall profit/loss will be calculated.


You can also change the name of the operator and enter a reference for the costing before selecting PRINT to make a hard copy. At the foot of the cost screen is a field for putting in your Quote price and a notes field to enter your own notes regarding that particular costing.


The route information sectors and costs will be saved to the built -in  saved route database for later recall when you click on Close PACS or Exit to Front Screen  on the Menu Bar



When you  have finished editing the cost data,  click on PRINT to send  the screen data to your printer.



You now have 3 options either to go back to the sector performance screen  by clicking on EDIT SECTORS  To go back to the front screen by clicking on EXIT TO FRONT SCREEN or to CLOSE PACS


If you click on edit sectors the sectors can be re-edited and more sectors added  as previously  and the revised costs can be reviewed.


Stored Route Cost/Revenue


This function in PACS provides the user with the capability to recall a costing made  and saved previously and review  or re-run the costing.

 To use this function click on the Saved Calculations Button in the PACS Main screen

When the  Costing screen is displayed,  Click on SELECT ROUTE and Select the costing you want to display by either the date, Reference or routing. Typing into the selection field will find increasing closer matches to the costing you are looking for. The date is stored in US format – year/month/day so you start with the year then the month to find all the records in the database for that month.


The screen shows the costing as saved at the time it was made with a maximum 8 sectors and the total route costs shown.


The route can be re-run without entering the sectors again by clicking on RE-RUN ROUTE. The option then appears to re-run the route with the same aircraft type or to run it with a different type.


When this function is selected the route will be re-calculated and the costs for fuel, landing, handling etc updated with the current values stored in the Aircraft Airport and Fuel Price databases


By saving your costing each time you make a new calculation, you need never enter the same routing twice, saving time and effort.

 If available, you will also be able to use the saved route database function to email saved costings or export them to another office program





The Utilities Functions menu in the main PACS screen provides the user with the ability to view or edit any of the  database files used by PACS,



Aircraft  Data

The Aircraft data file contains specific to type and other information that is used in PACS by default if no other information is provided at the time of running.  The use of default data saves having to enter data  which usually remains constant, but is required to calculate performance and costs,  every time the program is run or a new airport record is being made.

Click on the Aircraft Data button and then select the aircraft type


The first box is used to select the printout aircraft weight format - either pounds or Kilos (LB or KG) the second box is used to select the load configuration of the aircraft - Cargo or passenger (P or C). The next 4 boxes are used to enter the take-off, landing, zero fuel weight and APS (aircraft prepared for service weight) for the aircraft type. If  P  is entered in the second box you should enter the number of seats installed in the aircraft and the passenger and baggage unit weight in the next 2 boxes. The Max Payload box will always show the difference between the value in the MZFW box and the APS box


The second line has boxes for the max fuel capacity of the aircraft, the minimum reserve fuel required as company policy, the minimum fuel on board required to dispatch the aircraft the max certified cruise flight level of the aircraft, the normal operational cruise flight level, the navigational tolerance fuel specified in company policy.


The en-route fuel  burn data  for every aircraft type in PACS is based on the aircraft manufacturers standard operational data in accordance with the operational technique of the operator. It is rare for an aircraft in operation to exactly match the book values.  When actual and book values differ the Degrade box is used to apply a % factor to the book fuel burn to “tweak” the PACS output to match the actual performance of a specific company aircraft .


The taxi out and taxi in boxes are to enter the default ( standard ) Airport taxi times for the aircraft type.The AP Temp  box shows the default temperature for  calculating the permitted takeoff weight for the aircraft.  The next box shows the default  en-route wind  that will be used if no stored sector information is available followed by the default en-route temperature. The next box shows the standard holding time for calculating reserve fuel.


The next group of boxes contains  default cost information related to the airport costs  for catering and  Hotac and other non specific Miscellaneous sector costs and general hourly costs. The last box is the default % profit margin. The sector and hourly cost  boxes can be used to add additional costs not catered for elsewhere. The last box is used for entering a profit margin over calculated route costs


The next  boxes are used to calculate the ACMI costs (Aircraft Crew  Maintenance and Insurance). The figure entered in the A/C +IN box should be the total aircraft ownership costs for one year (i.e. depreciation, interest payments, lease costs etc.) plus the insurance premiums for Hull and third party liability cover). PACS will divide the annual costs by the utilisation to derive an hourly  aircraft cost and add it to the Crew and maintenance  costs shown in the next 2 boxes to arrive at an average hourly ACMI cost. This calculated figure can be changed  if required when a costing is made.


The final 2 lines of boxes relate to default figures for Landing and Handling. information entered  here should be an average of the typical airport costs for the aircraft type a. When the actual costs are known they can be entered into the airport record either via the utilities menu or when making a route costing. The first line in the group is for Day time operations  The Last  line is for Night operations


Aircraft Airport  Data.

Normally, the airport data record for each aircraft type is created the first time the airport is used for a costing. This utility menu is then used to update the information (fuel price, airport fees etc.) when changes are notified. If required, this utility option can also be used to create airport data records for future costing.


To enter a new Airport record into the Airport file or to edit the data  stored in the file,  select  the Aircraft Airport Data button option. 


This screen  shown is the same as  shown earlier (see Airport Information)


Select the aircraft type you want to create/view/edit  airport data for and then the airport you want to select.

You can change from one airport to another for the aircraft type shown in the  Current Aircraft box. If you want to look at an airport with another aircraft type. First  select the aircraft type.


If an airport  data record does not exist for the aircraft selected, it will be created


When an Aircraft airport record is first made, the  airport cost and other information displayed in the boxes  is filled with information stored in the Aircraft Data file.


Data is changed by clicking into the required item box, changing the data and using the tab key to confirm the change. When all data has been changed, data shown on the screen is stored by pressing the update button


The charge currency shown will be that of the country where the airport is situated (taken from the first 2 letters of the ICAO 4 letter code)  and the exchange rate taken from the exchange rate file. If an exchange rate for the country does not exist,  the charge currency will default to US dollars. All charge currency codes displayed, are the standard IATA codes for the country concerned e.g. GBP for pounds Sterling,  EUR for the Euro and USD for the US dollar.


Until the default price per gallon for fuel is changed, the Fuel price box will show 00/00/00. Whenever the fuel price figure is changed, the  date at the time the change is made is shown in the box.


The take-off weight for the airport will be automatically calculated for the displayed temperature. If the temperature is changed, PACS will recalculate the take-off weight  at the new temperature.


The alternate airport can be set and the distance calculated by entering a new alternate 3 letter code in the alternate box.

Exit back to the front screen  by pressing the Exit button



General Airport Information and Fuel Prices 

“Behind” every airport cost data screen is a General  Airport information screen common to all aircraft types which can be viewed and edited from this utility by pressing the  either Airport Information button.   in the Aircraft Airport Data Screen or by Clicking on the  Airport Information button in the Utilities Functions Screen. Use this facility to keep contact details and addresses for all you airport suppliers



You can change the fuel price and supplier data from this screen or from the Fuel Database Screen by clicking on the Fuel Database button



Stored Sector Database


This utility  is used to edit  existing, or create new, stored sectors with flight planned distances, routing, winds and overflight information for use in making route a costing. To use this utility click on Stored Sectors database The screen shown is the same as shown earlier ( see Edit Stored Sectors)


Editing existing sector


To view/edit an existing sector enter the sector you want in the select existing sector box. Enter the sector in the format AAABBB. The program will find increasing matches for the sector and display the data on the screen when the required sector is clicked. If the sector does not exist you will be asked if you want to create a new sector.

Exchange Rates

Exchange rates between the US Dollar  and every currency in the world are used to convert Landing, Handling, Parking, Terminal Navigation and En-Route Navigation charges from the currency of the Charging Country or Airport to the US Dollar. They are a constituent part of the Rates Data file that is updated at the beginning of each month and is available for download and update via the Web Update facility. The exchange rates used are obtained from the Financial Times published rates for the day that the rates are compiled.

If there is a known large fluctuation in exchange rates in between normal update periods the user can manually adjust the rates for an individual country. by clicking on the Exchange Rates Button in the Utilities Function. This screen appears


Enter all or part of the name of the country required in the SELECT COUNTRY box and scroll through the list until the required country is shown.  The ICAO country code, IATA currency code, exchange rate per US$ and the date modified is displayed and can be edited.


If the exchange rate is modified, the current date will be displayed in the date box. This provides a quick check on the validity of the exchange rate stored.



World Airport Database


All of the data for the Airports  is contained in the World Airport database. Any of the 6600+ airports in the database can be edited or new airports added using this function.  To access this function  Click on World Airport Database in the Utilities Function. this screen appears:


Select the required airport by clicking on the IATA, ICAO or Airport name Chevrons and entering all or part of the name or code and the clicking on the required airport. OR JUST ENTER THE CODE AND PRESS ENTER


Any changes to the airport record will be confirmed by clicking on EXIT


If you want to add a new airport, you will need to have available the following data : - The name, 4 letter ICAO code, 3 letter IATA code, Latitude (N or S), Latitude degrees and minutes , Longitude (E or W), Longitude degrees and minutes, Elevation (ft above Sea level and Runway length (feet). .

To add the new airport in the database click on CREATE AIRPORT. Enter the data in all the fields (The Country and currency code are created automatically by the program). Tab to the end of the data and when the Add Airport button is enabled click on it to save the airport data in the database


NB: The 3 letter IATA code must be unique if you add an airport and give it an IATA code the same as an existing airport  your new airport will not be available for calculations

Contact Database


A contact database is also included in the utilities menu. You can use this database to add you clients and telephone numbers. The fields from this database can be copied and pasted in the cost output screen for  printing out. Click on Contacts Database in the Utilities Functions this screen appears:





Other functions available from the Main PACS screen are: Saved Calculations, Network Settings, Back-up Data Files, and Restore data Files.


The Saved Calculations function was described earlier (see Saved Calculations)


Network Setting


This button is only available in the MULTI USER version


Click on Network Settings Button in the Main PACS screen:



 The Multi-User version of PACS can be used in 3 different modes.


1. Local

In this mode both the program and the data files are located on the users computer. Other PACS users on the network will not be able to use or modify  the data files of that user and the local users PACS will not have access to PACS Data files located on a network drive. This is the same as a Single User Version of PACS.

If you are using a multi-User Version of PACS, this mode is only recommended for use  when either the network is un-available or on a Home/Laptop computer that is disconnected from the network.


2. Local Program/ Network Data

In this mode, The PACS program files are run from the local drive but use  common  data files located on a  shared network drive. All users must have the same drive letter mapped to the shared network drive. While this mode does have the advantage of shared data files and data updates. any program updates must be applied to each users PC.


3. Network Program and Data

This is the best mode to use the  Multi-User Version of PACS. Not only is the data shared and data updates need only be applied once but the same applies to program updates. This makes updating and upgrading PACS quick and easy with any changes immediately available to all users.


The Network Settings  Function in PACS enables you to quickly and easily  create new network directories, change the  Data directory that you use, and create and update a local PACS  system from the network (This is useful for Laptop users who dock on to a network during the day and want to have the current Data/Program files on their local hard drive when they go home for the evening or week-end.)


Creating a new network


When PACS is setup the first time, it can be setup on one computers local C drive and then this function use to create a new PACS network.

Click on the  Make a New PACS Network button.


Select a mapped network drive and then select a folder in that drive that you want to create the PACS program and data files in. When the correct drive and directory are highlighted, click on the  Create New PACS Network button. The PACSPROGRAM and PACSDATA  directories will be created on the mapped drive ( if they do not exist) and the files from the  Current PACS directories copied to the directories. This may take some time depending on the size of your PACS files and the speed of your network. When the operation has completed the following message will appear.



The message informs you where files have been copied from and to. A new shortcut has also been copied to your desktop linking you to the new PACS setup and a copy of the shortcut has been copied to the folder indicated. You can quickly link any other PACS user to the new setup by dragging the shortcut from the network PACSPROGRAM directory to the users desktop. Clicking on OK will close PACS.


 Changing a network Data directory

If you are running the PACS program from the local drive, you can still  use data from a shared mapped PACSDATA directory.


Click on Change Data Directory

 Select the drive where the PACS data files are located , and then the directory. When you see the required PACSDATA directory shown in  New PACS Data Directory window click on the Confirm New Network Settings Button which will effect the changes and PACS will Close. When you open PACS up again the selected PACSDATA drive will be set.


LOCAL/Laptop mode

If you are running PACS with data from a network drive you can click on the Change to Local/Laptop button

This screen will appear:

If you click on Yes The PACSDATA files will be copied from the network to your C drive  ( If you where running the program from the network drive, the Program files would also be copied and this message will appear.


You can now disconnect from the network and run PACS locally with a copy of the network Data.


Remote Desktop Mode.


If you want to run PACS on a remote server via a VPN connection you will need to log in to PACS Switching  the Remote Desktop function on will cause a logon screen to appear the next time you start PACS.


Day/Night Mode


You can Switch the Day/Night Mode ( See Day/Night)  On or Off with this Button


Backing up and restoring data files


Although reliability of modern computers is very high and disk failures are rare, if you are using PACS on a stand-alone system where no regular  server back-up is performed, it is good practice to regularly make backups of your data files.


PACS provides a quick and easy way of backing up the stored data files on to disk from the utility menu.


Click  the Backup Data Files   button on the PACS Main screen

Select the drive where you want to back up to and  press Enter. The Backup Files Button will be activated. Click on It.


The contents of the  currently used  PACSDATA directory  (shown on the PACS Main Screen) will be copied to the selected drive in a directory called PACSBACK which will be created if it does not exist.


The directory will also be zipped up into a file called PACSDATA.ZIP  which will be located in the PACSBACK directory on the selected drive


If you need to have your Data files checked or updated by Aerocom you can attach the PACSDATA.ZIP file to a email and send it to pacs@aerocom-int.com


If your PACS data files are lost or corrupted you can restore them using the Restore facility


Click on the Restore Data Files button on the PACS Main Screen


You can either restore/update the data from a pacsback  directory where you have previously made a backup or from a PACSDATA.ZIP  file stored in that directory or elsewhere on your computer or network.


Restoring files with unzip or hard drive option will copy  the stored files back to the current PACSDATA directory


Backing up and restoring is also a means of updating PACS user data  files between computers that are running the Single user version of PACS. Or for copying files from the Office Network to a personal home computer, if permitted in your Licence agreement. You may also have specific updated files that you download from your internet PACS Directory or are sent to you by email. You can use this Restore/Update function  to update your  PACSDATA files.




When PACS is opened this screen appears


You use this screen to Launch the Main PACS program for making Route Cost/Revenue calculations


 There are a number of other PACS functions that are available here without entering the main PACS program.


Web Updates

Please Note: To use this facility, the PC you are using must have a current Internet connection


Rate Data Updates


PACS includes a Rate Data file that contains current Exchange Rates, En-route Charges Rates, Terminal Navigation Rates, Parking Fee Rates and Landing Fee Rates.

The exchange rates are updated at the beginning of each month from the Financial Times.

The other rates are taken from the IATA Airport and Air Navigation Charges Manual. These rates are updated as and when changes to the rates are reported by IATA. Any updates that are notified during any month will be included in the rates data file at the beginning of the next month.


Program Updates

 The PACS Program is  modified on a regular basis to provide users with better functions and to eradicate reported  program errors.

The Web Update function provides you with the ability to  automatically update your Main PACS program and Rate Data files from the internet. Click on the Web Updates Button. This screen appears:

The Current PACS System Status informs you of the location, version and date of your PACS program and Rate Data file.


Click on the Check for Updates button.This will open your web browser and show this page


Compare the dates and file versions of the Program and rate data files and close down your browser.

Please note: If you are not able to see this screen then you do not have a current internet connection and you will not be able to update files in this way. - Contact Aerocom

If there is a later version of either file available you can update the file in the specified directory by clicking on the program or rate data update button. this screen appears:



The file has been updated in the specified system directory.

If you have a multi user version of PACS and are running the program from the local C:\PACSPROGRAM directory, then the program update must be made on each PACS users PC.

In a Multi-user environment with the PACSDATA directory being on a shared network drive, the Rates Data Update will be applied to all users. If you are running  PACS with data from the C:\PACSDATA directory on more than one machine then the Rata Data update must be applied on each such PC.


Additional Database functions in PACS


PACS includes 5 other Database functions that can be run  from the PACS Modules screen without first running the Main PACS Program. These are: Stored Routes, View/Edit Fuel Prices, Find Alternate, Quick Reference and the Quote System


Microsoft Access


These extra functions available in  PACS require  Microsoft Access to be installed on the local computer. Microsoft Access usually is installed as a part of Microsoft Office Professional. PACS supports the following versions of Access  97, 2000 , 2002(XP) and 2003. PACS will automatically determine if  Access is installed and establish the version of Office on the users PC.



This function allows you to view saved route cost revenues in an MS Access form and either email the form as an attachment or to export the costing to another format such as MS Excel.


Click on the Stored Costing button, this screen appears

Select the stored record you want by Date, Client Routing or reference

To email the Costing, click on the envelope. To export the costing click on the disk

select the format you want to export to and click on OK


 View/Edit Fuel prices


With this function you view and printout a list of all the current fuel prices store in PACS or modify and update fuel prices without accessing the airport page from  the main PACS program


Click on the View/Edit Fuel prices button and this screen appears:

Click on FUEL PRICE LIST to see a list of airports, prices and suppliers which can be edited from the list

Click on FIND/ADD AIRPORT  to see the data for a specific airport and add or change prices and suppliers.




Quick Reference

Quick reference  has 3 functions


Airport Information, Aircraft sector payload and DIMS calculation


Click on the Quick Reference Button this screen appears




 Click on  Airport Information and select the airport


Use this function to find the details for an airport  including  details of the runway, the country, the local currency and the exchange rate to the US $. Without running PACS


You can enter either the name, ICAO 4 letter code or IATA 3 letter code in their respective drop down boxes  to display the full details of the airport. Partial entry of data will find matches as you type.


Aircraft Sector Payload



This function provides you with a quick payload check based on basic payload range capabilities for some 40 aircraft types.  – You may have some of these aircraft types in  PACS. Using PACS to make a full calculation will give a more accurate result. Use this function to make a quick check for aircraft types you do not have installed in PACS.


If you have a cargo to send from A to B, simply enter the origin 3 letter IATA code in the from box and the destination 3 letter code in the To Box and the weight of your cargo (in Kilos) in the  required payload box. And click on  check aircraft.


A new window will pop up showing you:- The sector, The requested payload, The sector distance, aircraft types, the maximum payload for the type, the available payload for the aircraft on the sector, and an estimated block time and fuel burn.

All aircraft types in the database with a maximum payload capability  equal or greater than your required payload will be shown and the amount of payload that they can carry on the required sector.


The results can be printed out for future reference.


DIMS Calculation


If you need to find the total volume for a large number of pieces, this function will quickly make the calculation for you






The PACS flight quote database system is a User friendly  MS Access database that enables users of PACS to keep track of all their contacts and enquiries they get from their contacts and the quotes they make to those contacts. Route cost calculations made in PACS can be included in the quote data form together with all other relevant information regarding the quote. Requests for quotes to third party operators can be emailed directly from the system as can offers to clients for a flight. Users can keep track of enquiries they get in and flights that are sold to clients. Provision is included in the completed flights form for post flight reconciliation  to compare estimated and actual costs and revenue for a flight.



Click on Quote system the screen below will appear.


Click on Login This screen will appear:

All buttons and other fields in the system which are in red  are user action functions . For a full description and Users manual for the system click on the Help Button.


General information


The opening screen of PACS will show you the following information:


The program version and build date.


The registered user of the system


The Licence type - SINGLE  or MULTI user.


Multi-User versions show the number of users on your licence and the number of Users currently using PACS.  If the maximum users is reached, then a new user will not be able to log on until another user has closed PACS.


The operating mode  and data source directory




Generally PACS will give you no trouble if set up and run in accordance with this manual. Most Errors will be shown by a popup screen allowing the user to take corrective action. If you get an error that causes PACS to shutdown please note the error number, description of the Error and what part of PACS you where in at the time and inform Aerocom at the numbers or email address below. This will facilitate a speedy fix to the problem for you and all other users






Registered users of PACS can call the Aerocom help line for assistance on any aspect of PACS. 

The Help line  Phone/Fax number is +46 13 312708

Email to enquiry@aerocom-int.com


Support and update service is only provided to registered users with a current support agreement




Aerocom Aviation Software (Aerocom) provides the client with. a  Licence to use the Payload and costing system (PACS)


This Licence shall cover use of the system the offices of  the client


The PACS system may be installed and run on either a stand alone or networked computers.  Within the limits  set out in the agreement between the client and Aerocom Aviation Software.


The PACS functions available to the user will be those specified within the agreement


The Licence permits the client  to use the software at the location (s) specified, in the manner specified in the users manual and to make one backup copy of the software for security purposes.


Aerocom Aviation Software retains the  world-wide legal and intellectual ownership rights to the PACS software in perpetuity and does not permit the software to be transferred or sold to any third party in any manner whatsoever. Further the software shall not in anyway be reverse engineered, disassembled or de-compiled  . Any violation of these rights shall result in legal action against the perpetrator


Whereas Aerocom Aviation Software warrants that the software shall perform in accordance with the provided users manual, Aerocom Aviation Software makes no representation or warranty  that the software is fit for any specific purpose  and shall not be held liable any damages for any injury, loss of business profits or information  or any other pecuniary loss resulting from use or misuse of the software.


By purchase and use of the software the user agrees to be bound by the terms of this Licence agreement




Copyright  1993 - 2005 Aerocom Aviation Software All rights reserved